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Applying for Services

Applying for services is simple. To begin, you must be admitted to the university.  From there, you can schedule a meeting with our counselors by emailing, calling, or stopping by our office. You can also fill out an application online. Within 10 days we will see you for an initial meet and greet appointment to begin. At that appointment, please bring any documentation you may have, such as a doctor's note, or other school or community paperwork, if you have any. 

 Apply for Services 

applying for services poster

How do I apply for services?

Have you been admitted to CSUSB?

If yes:

To apply for services, fill out the online application. Upon receipt of application, an administrative assistant will contact you to set up an appointment with a counselor.

If no:

Go to Admissions and Student Recruitment, University Hall, Room 107 or email at


Apply for Services