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Commencement Accomodations

Greetings students!

We are celebrating you and supporting you as you complete your degree! 

Graduation FlyerPlease save the date! We have two major events coming up soon!

The SSD zoom graduation May 9 RSVP here 

Commencement May 19 or 20 Request accommodations here []

More information about both events is below. We can't wait to celebrate with you!

SSD Graduation:

The SSD zoom graduation is May 9 from 4:30-6pm where we will lift you up in your accomplishments! (Link to more details as available:

The SSD graduation is not the big graduation, rather it is a specialized SSD recognition ceremony on zoom where your family and parents and support system are invited to join too!

RSVP Today! []

Speak your truth! At this graduation, we will be creating a slide for you and on that slide we can include a picture, your degree, and major and anything in particular you would like us to say. Please use this comments box to add anything you would like us to put on the slide featuring YOU! There are examples at the link.


Commencement is the big event, at the Toyota Center. We can't wait to celebrate with you! Commencement is May 19 or 20 depending on your major. All commencement details are by college at this link:

We need to find out from you early what your commencement accommodation requests are. Please share with us all the information that you can, as early as you possibly can, so that we can make sure to support you and celebrate you the absolute most! Today, please complete this form to let us know how to include you the absolute best.

We've included a few tips below about commencement that may be useful to you:
Grad days are here! March 14-16:

It is critical that you please make sure that you completed your graduation check to avoid any holds that can delay your degree. You can learn more at the link: 

All information about commencement can be found:
Make sure to register for the big commencement:

If you have any questions, please contact

Thanks so much and congratulations on your accomplishments!