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Current Health & Wellness Workshops

CAPS Health & Wellness Workshops
Fall 2023 Semester 

Plan to join us for in-person workshops, but if that is not possible, many workshops are also broadcast live; See specific workshops to obtain the Zoom link and pre-register to join.  


Brothers Together: Men of Color in Today’s World 

Wednesday, 8/30/23 
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. 

This self-help workshop will explore topics related to being a Man of Color (BIMA- MOC - Black, Indigenous, Mixed Race, and API Men of Color) in today’s world. Within a supportive and brave social context of respect and empowerment, we will briefly explore experiences related to racism and discrimination, toxic masculinity, development of healthy relationships, and Men’s Mental Health & Wellness in light of current events. All are welcome to attend. 

Presenter: Jeffrey Andreas Tan, PhD, CAPS Therapist 

Watch Recorded Workshop

Thriving As a First Gen College Student 

Wednesday, 9/6/23 
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. 

In this workshop, we honor that being a first-gen student comes with excitement and challenges that can impact your mental health and overall well-being. Join us as we discuss how to persevere, cope with stressors, stay healthy, embrace new experiences, and thrive! 

Presenter: CAPS Counselors Mari Ulate, LMFT & Jazmin Rodriguez, LCSW 

Watch Recorded Workshop

Recognizing our Attachment Styles 

Thursday, 9/7/23 
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. 

Attachment theory research suggests that forming secure attachments with our caregivers during childhood provides a foundation of safety which helps us in countless ways as adults. However, studies show that almost half of the population did not have the opportunity to form secure attachments in childhood and often struggle with partner choices and difficult relationship patterns. Join us as we delve into identifying our attachment styles and learn ways to improve our relationships. 

Presenter: Marina Rodriguez, APCC, CAPS Counselor 

In-person location: SMSU East (Room 205) 

Watch Recorded Workshop

Mindful Yotes 

Thursday, 9/14/23
11:00 a.m. -  12:00 p.m. 

Do you find yourself wishing that you could be more present in the moment?  Do you ever feel disconnected from yourself and lost in endless over-thinking?  Come to this workshop and learn meditation and mindfulness techniques that can allow you to better manage stress, moods, and feel more grounded within your life! 

Presenter: Wendy Brower-Romero, LMFT, CAPS Therapist  

In-person location: SMSU East (Room 205) 

Watch Recorded Workshop

Managing Time to Manage You 

Tuesday, 9/19/23 
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 

Gain control of your schedule to gain greater control over your life. Attend this workshop to learn strategies to better manage your time. 

Presenter: Ralph Figueroa, Rehabilitation Counseling, Masters-Level Intern 

In-person location: SMSU East (Room 205) 

Watch Recorded Workshop

The Doctor's Visit: Preparedness and Management 

Wednesday, 9/20/23  
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 

This workshop will introduce you to skills that promote a more effective and meaningful experience with your doctor. We will discuss patient rights, protection, and logistics of what you can expect and request during your medical appointments. Come to prepare yourself for the confidence in navigating your health care! 

Presenter: Dianna Solis, Student Health Center Lead Peer Health Educator (LPHE) 

Watch Recorded Workshop

The Red Zone 

Tuesday, 9/26/23  
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 

What is the Red Zone on college campuses?  The red zone is a period of time when students on campus are most vulnerable to sexual assault. Join us to learn about the Red Zone, consent, and bystander intervention. 

Presenter: Claudia Ochoa, Campus Survivors Advocate 

Recorded workshop coming soon

Queer, Questioning, & Transgender Resilience 

Tuesday, 10/3/23 
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 

October 11th is National Coming Out Day, an idea based on feminist and queer theoretical ideas of making the personal political, ending the shame that comes from hiding, and making the world a safer place by providing queer visibility. In recent years there has been some healthy critique on the idea of encouraging folks to “out” themselves to family, friends, and workplaces due to a range of repercussions such as parental rejection, poverty, homelessness, and violence. This workshop will explore themes of coming out, safety, community, resilience, and multiple identities. Come join the conversation! 

Presenter: Marina Rodriguez, APCC, CAPS Counselor 

In-person location: SMSU East (Room 205) 

Recorded workshop coming soon

Domestic Violence Awareness: Facts, Myths, & More 

Tuesday, 10/10/23 
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, join us as we address domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and dating violence. We will learn about these issues, ways to support survivors and learn how to access the local resources available to you. 

Presenter: Claudia Ochoa, Campus Survivors Advocate 

In-person location: SMSU East (Room 205) 

Recorded workshop coming soon 

QPR Suicide Prevention Training  

Thursday, 10/19/23  
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.  

Question. Persuade. Refer. QPR is designed to equip students with information about the different warning signs, resources, and ways to support those who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide. QPR is a training on how to identify symptoms/ warning signs of someone who may be at risk for suicide and how to refer the student to seek help. After attending the training, you will be QPR certified as a Gatekeeper. Aside from being able to provide great and effective support, being QPR certified will also look great on your resume because it is nationally recognized.  

Presenter: Elizabeth Gutierrez, MPH, Health Educator SHC  

I Am a Student and… 

Wednesday, 11/1/23 
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.  

According to the Minority Stress Theory, underrepresented students, including LGBTQ+, face additional stressors as they enter college. It is important that students of all identities feel safe and empowered on campus and in life. In this workshop, you will learn how to prosper as an LGBTQ+ college student; you will gain information about supportive campus resources, where to connect with others, tips for managing mental health, and how to be an ally to the community. 

Presenter: Sarina Sauceda, B.A., Peer Mental Health Educator  

Register for Zoom Link Here  

Grief, Loss, & Hope During the Holidays 

Thursday, 11/16/23 
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 

Whether your grief is recent or long ago, the string of holiday events may bring a range of emotions. Join me in this workshop to learn how to navigate the holidays. 

Presenter: Stacie Pham, Psy.D, CAPS Therapist 

Register for Zoom Link Here  


Tuesday, 11/28/23   
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.  

Attend this speed-friending workshop to learn the basics of making friends, followed by a speed-friending session that will allow you to practice your new skills in a safe, inclusive environment.   

Presenters: Melissa Acuna, MPH, Health Educator, SHC & Elizabeth Gutierrez, MPH, Health Educator SHC  

In-Person ONLY 

Location: SMSU East (Room 205) 

Managing Your Moods   

Friday, 12/1/23
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your emotions? Are you finding it difficult to control feelings of stress, sadness, or anger? Feelings cannot be eliminated, but this workshop can help you learn strategies to manage overwhelming emotions.   

Presenters: CAPS Therapists  

Register for Zoom Link Here  


If you are in need of disability-related accommodations to participate, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services three working days in advance at (909) 537-5040 or