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Digital Certificates

Certificate Requests

Procedures for obtaining digital certificates for individuals and servers.


Server certificates are the most common type of certificate, typically used for secure (https://) websites. The information security office reviews certificate requests before approval.

Request a InCommon server certificate

  • Unlimited, globally-recognized SSL Certificates are provided to CSU San Bernardino through the InCommon Certification Authority.
  • For technical details on the steps necessary to create a CSR, visit Sectigo's CSR generation knowledgebase.
  • If you have questions, please contact


InCommon Personal Certificates are available. Please contact to request a personal certificate.

InCommon/Internet2 Client Certificate Chain

Some programs and devices, like the iPad, require installing each of the following certificates before a Internet2 client certificate can be used for authentication to applications like Advance Web.

Remove the "AddTrust External CA Root" (expired 5/30/2020) certificate if you see it in your certificate store.