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Veterans Graduation Celebration

The Veterans Success Center holds two Veteran Graduation Celebrations during the academic year, in the Fall and Spring. We dedicate these graduation celebrations towards our student veterans academic acomplishments in completing their degree/certificate at CSUSB for their pursit of higher education.

A banquet is held for our students and a presentation of stoles for each student that signs up. Each student is presented with a stole with their branch of services and that stole is bestowed upon them by a military officer based on their branch of service. Once the presentation of stoles is completed, they are gathered for a group photo for the current class that graduated.

You can find a slide show of past graduations and graduate with their stoles on them. (slideshow is pending)


Veterans Graduation Celebration


Veterans Graduation Celebration

When: Tentative

Location: TBD

Time: TBD

How to sign up?

If you are graduating in the Fall 2023 Term and wish to participate in our graduation celebration, use the following link to register for the graduation.

Upon completing the RSVP from, you will receive a follow up email with more details of the event. (Currently Disabled Link)

RSVP for Veterans Graduation Celebration

Do you want to help during the graduation?

If you are interested in volunteering, use the sign-up link below.


Sign up to volunteer